Legionella Risk Assessments for Landlords In Manchester.
At the moment this can be seen as confusing, you should take legal advice and research your options. This business will help you get a Risk assessment for Legionella ( Legionnaires Disease)
As a Landlord who rents out domestic properties you may have a legal duty of care to ensure that a competent landlord risk assessment for legionella bacteria has been done. If an outbreak of Legionnaires’ Disease happens you will be required to supply evidence of a risk assessment for legionella. Risk Assessments c an be carried out by landlords provided the property is low risk (most residential properties are) and that you are adequately knowledgeable about the water system in the property. L andlords and agents need to beware that legionella bacteria can multiply in hot or cold water systems and storage tanks, and can be spread via showers and taps. Risk assessments must identify and check potential sources of exposure, and steps needed to prevent or control any risk that is identified. Some areas of the property may be hard to inspect such as cold water tanks in the loft.
Legionella testing certificates are not generally needed for domestic hot water systems.
Landlords of residential accommodation have many responsibilities such as Legionnaires' Disease. Health and safety legisl ation requires that landlords carry out a risk assessment on rented homes for Legionella. In most cases rented homes will be a low risk , however it is important that risk assessments are still done and control measures are introduced and advice is given to tenants .
Landlord s are under a legal duty of care to ensure that the risk of exposure to Legionella for tenants, residents and visitors to their properties is adequately assessed and controlled .
Specific guidance on Legionella and the legal responsibilities of landlords can be found on the Health and Safety Executive website:
Legionella and landlords’ responsibilities
Also Download this guide for duty holders, eg, for Landlords.
The following information is taken from Government advice.
Who can assess the risk?
"Most landlords can assess the risk themselves and do not need to be professionally trained or accredited; but if they do not feel competent, or inclined to do so, they can arrange for someone who is to do it on their behalf. Most landlords are able to understand the set of risks of running a hot and cold water system in a way that provides the above conditions; and would also be able to implement cheap, simple and effective physical control measures required to minimise the risk of the system becoming colonised with Legionella and other microorganisms. The assessor must be able to identify the following risks: Through a knowledge of water temperature in all parts of the system, whether any water is between 20 - 45°C (at which Legionella thrives). Whether water is stored or re-circulated as part of the system. Whether sources of nutrients such as rust, sludge, scale, organic matter or biofilms exist. Whether conditions are likely to encourage bacteria to multiply. Whether it is possible for droplets to form and, if so, whether they can be dispersed over a wide area (as with showers.) Whether parts of the system are used infrequently (for example in guest bathrooms.) Whether tenants, residents or visitors are more susceptible to infection due to age, illness or a weakened immune system etc".
Legionella and the legal responsibilities of landlords can be found on the Health and Safety Executive website: link above.
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